About Us

About Us

United Methodist churches of Oklahoma view Christian camping as an opportunity for education and ministry.

Oklahoma United Methodist churches are given a financial goal annually to offer this unique ministry to children, youth, adults and families. If you have special interest in camp ministry, you are encouraged to make financial gifts or to place the camps in your will to insure the future ministry through camping. These tax deductible gifts are encouraged, needed and appreciated. See our Donate link above for more details and our “resources page” for more opportunities to give. The campsites have a master plan for building our future. Oklahoma United Methodist Camps are open to all persons regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, disability, age or gender.

Our Philosphy


intentional times and places set apart from daily life, under the guidance of servant leaders


experiential models of learning in which the whole person encounters the word of God


a community of faith that challenges, nurtures, and celebrates new understandings of God’s action in their lives